Where is Moonrise
We’re on the coast of Taitung (Provincial Highway 11) at the mile marker indicating 145.5 km (the second blinking yellow light upon entering Dulan)
Turn towards Dulan Site, the direction of Moonlight Shack and go straight for approximately 1 km where you’ll see a water irrigation field on the left-hand side,
Head straight approximately 100 meters and take a left on the Y-shaped fork. On the right you’ll see our neighbor Happy Village,
Once past Happy Village, take a left and you’ll see us, the Taitung house with a bamboo fence and 3 white rooftops.
Moonrise Inn GPS Coordinates
E 121° 13’10”(121.2196°)
N 22° 52’44”(22.8788°)
Elevation 110M
【Arriving by Car】
A / Departing from Taipei travelling through Yilan, Hualien from the coast (Provincial Highway 11)
Taipei → Freeway No. 5 → Su’ao→Suhua Highway → Hualien City→take the coastal road (Provincial Highway 11) → Shoufeng → Fengbin → Changbin → Donghe → Dulan
Suggested stops: Baxiandong Scenic Area (87K) → Shi Yusan Rest Area (102K) → Sanxiantai Scenic Area (111K) → Chenggong Fish Harbor (115K) → East Coast National Scenic Area, Amis Folk Center (126K) → Donghe Bridge (131.5K) → Donghe Meat Buns (132K) → Jinzhun Land Island, Scenic Café (137K)
B / Departing from Taichung through Kaohsiung, Pingtung (Provincial Highway 9 → 11)
Take Freeway No. 3 and get off at Nanchuan Interchange towards Kenting and Taitung→Fenggang (South-Link Highway) → Dawu → Taimali → Jhihben then take the coastal road (Provincial Highway 11) → Taitung City → Fugang → Dulan
Suggested stops: Little Yehliu Scenic Area (159K) → Jialulan Rest Area (157.5) → Gravity Defying Irrigation Channel (148K)
【By Public Transportation】
Taitung Train Station → Dulan (approximately 30 minutes) |
0606 |
0631 |
0646 |
1016 |
1021 |
1026 |
1206 |
1246 |
1411 |
1431 |
1456 |
1556 |
1616 |
1716 |
1741 |
1746 |
1816 |
1916 |
2006 |
2136 |
Dulan → Taitung Train Station (approximately 30 minutes) |
0627 |
0707 |
0754 |
0813 |
0843 |
0928 |
1227 |
1313 |
1347 |
1443 |
1554 |
1918 |
From Taitung Train Station you can take Dingdong Bus and get off at Dulan Station (approximately 30-minute ride). The inn is located approximately 1.2 km from Dulan Station (approximately 18-minute walk); when getting on the bus, confirm that the bus is taking the coastal road to Dulan Village. If the bus is traveling from the train station to Taitung City before heading to Dulan Village, the entire trip takes approximately 1 hour. When getting on Dingdong bus, we suggest telling the driver that you’ll be getting off at Dulan Station so they can remind you when you are about to arrive.
Taitung Train Station --- Dulan (approximately 30 minutes), Taitung Train Station --- Taitung City --- Dulan (approximately 1 hour) we suggest travelers coming by train to take the Taitung Train Station bus that passes Taitung Bridge and heads straight to Dulan.
There is also a bus from Taitung City to Dulan and from the airport to Dulan, please inquire coastal line operations at Dingdong Bus 089-333443.